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Global Climate Change Resolution (GCCR)

Save The Earth, Save The Unborn Generation.

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Some Trending Climate News

Climate Change news

21, jun. 2024

Climate Activists Blockade Citigroup’s Doors with Model Pipeline and Protest Bank’s Ties to Israel

Environmental protesters partnering with pro-Palestine campaigners called for an end to the bank’s financing of fossil fuel infrastructure and Israel’s war on Gaza.

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Climate Change news

21, jun. 2024

Low-Emission ‘Gas Certification’ Is Greenwashing, Climate Advocates Conclude in a Contested New Report

Gas utilities see certified gas as a way to sell low-carbon fuel at a premium. U.S. senators are calling on the FTC to investigate the industry’s claims.

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Climate Change news

21, jun. 2024

New York’s Chronically Underfunded Parks Department Is Losing the Fight Against Invasive Species, Disrepair and Climate Change

Mayor Adams’ proposed budget cuts may place an outsized burden on park conservancies and small volunteer groups. With less than 1 percent of the city budget spent on parks, they’re finding it harder and harder to keep up.

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Climate Change news

21, jun. 2024

Kids Are Particularly Vulnerable to Extreme Weather. What Are We Doing About It?

A growing body of research shows the hazards of climate change on children’s public health. Many countries’ climate adaptation plans don’t take that into account, experts say.

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Climate Change news

21, jun. 2024

How Can Solar Farms Defend Against Biblical-Level Hailstorms?

Contrary to some recent examples, solar projects don’t need to be sitting ducks, even in hail-prone places like Texas.

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Climate Change news

21, jun. 2024

Billions of Gallons of Freshwater Are Dumped at Florida’s Coasts. Environmentalists Want That Water in the Everglades

Environmental groups want to use engineered wetlands to help replenish the river of grass and address toxic algae. The state’s politically powerful sugar growers say those wetlands are for their own polluted water.

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Our service

What we do

Our Mission

To mobilize the youth and find constructive solutions on how to reduce climate change,create avenues for jobs.

Our Commitment

We are proud to come to your service whenever you need us

Our Vision

To be among the leading societal problem solvers globally

Here are some project we have done and doing

Tree Planting project

About Us

The Global Climate Change Resolution (GCCR) is a non-profit organization established to find consecutive solutions on how to tackle climate change in relation to the United Nation Sustainable Development Goal 13. The GCCR has a mission to create public awareness and young people to actively participate in adaptive and mitigation policies introduced by the government and non-governmental institutions that are committed to combating climate change.
